We help Nordic green solutions to grow on global markets

How can we support your project?

Nopef works to strengthen the international competitiveness of Nordic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by providing support for demonstration, scale-up and growth of Nordic green and sustainable solutions on global markets.

You can apply for financing for feasibility studies aiming international business establishments, investments, or for demonstration projects or pilot installations in countries outside EU/Efta.

All projects supported by Nopef shall contribute to positive environmental or climate impacts. In addition supported projects shall have a Nordic interest and added-values and contribute to increased Nordic co-operation between companies and stakeholders.

Nopef works to support and contribute to the strategic priorities of the Nordic Vision 2030.


Criteria for Nopef financing

A Nordic company which has fewer than 250 employees and less than 50 MEUR turnover.

The project contributes to positive environmental effects.

The company has sufficient resources to invest and implement international business activities in the project country, outside the EU/Efta.

The project contributes to the benefit of the Nordic countries through job creation, exports, or knowledge transfer and development.

Our latest projects

Consat Telematics
Brazil Energy-efficiency Industry and services

Swedish tech company accelerates intelligent public transportation in Brazil

Consat Telematics offers traffic and fleet management services to public transportation for optimising routes and operations and increasing efficiency. Nopef funding helped the company enter the Brazilian market.

Differ AS
Energy-efficiency Kenya Renewable energy

Differ enables sustainable energy access in the Kenyan healthcare sector

The Norwegian renewable energy firm Differ AS enhances energy security in Kenya’s healthcare sector with its innovative pay-as-you-go solar model. The company received Nopef funding.

Manna Insect containers in Kenya. Photo: Manna Insect
Agriculture, forestry and fishery Kenya

Circular economy solution based on insects brings triple benefit for agriculture

Finland-based Manna Insect creates an innovative circular solution based on insects to process biowaste, fertilise crops and feed animals. Nopef funded a feasibility study to test a pilot project in Kenya.

Fast-track -lainarahoitusta pohjoismaisille pk-yrityksille

Nefcon Fast-track -laina on tarkoitettu yrityksille, jotka haluavat laajentaa kaupallistettua vihreää ratkaisuaan globaaleilla markkinoilla. Vakuudetonta Fast-track -lainaa voidaan käyttää rahoittamaan sekä investointeja että käyttöpääomaa liittyen yrityksen kansainvälistymiseen. Lue lisää Nefcon sivuilla

Kysyttävää uudesta kansainvälistymishankkeesta? Täytä ensin projektiehdotuslomake (englanninkielisen lomakkeen voi täyttää myös suomeksi) alustavaa arviointia varten ennen kuin lähetät varsinaisen hakemuksen. Muissa kysymyksissä voit täyttää tämän yhteydenottolomakkeen ja otamme sinuun yhteyttä pian.

    About Nopef

    Nopef, the Nordic Project Fund, is managed by Nefco and financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The primary objective is to support the internationalisation of Nordic small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) outside the EU/Efta by offering grants for feasibility studies.

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